favorite things 3rd birthday party

We recently celebrated my oldest son Solomon’s third birthday and to say I was excited would be an understatement!  This was the first birthday that he was really aware of the concept of a birthday and that fact that it entails gifts, cake and other fun stuff.  Leading up to the party I asked him what type of party he wanted and his answers were all over the place. I want Buzz Likeyear (Lightyear) “birdday” (birthday) party”,  “I want superhero party”, “No, I want balloons!” could all be heard in the span of a few minutes from Solomon.  I gotta love him, he didn’t want to choose just one kind of party so I decided he shouldn’t have to.  The theme for the party was a Soli’s favorite things party!

Let’s start with the invitation: For the front,  I used one of my most favorite pictures of all time taken by Darcy from At Play Photo in an in-home session just before we left our old house.  She captured Solomon in his environment with his cape running from room to room screaming “super Soli!” as he saved Teddy from the bad guys.

For the inside of the invite, I created a rhyme to engage the kids before the party and ramp up anticipation. It was such fun for me to have parents coming up to me before the party saying they were stumped on what the favorite things were!  Can you figure out Solomon’s four favorite things from the rhyme?


Here are a few pictures from the day including one of the blue mouthed birthday boy!

 The party colors were adapted from the Buzz Lightyear character.  Buzz colors are typically purple,apple green and orange but since I really wanted to use the blue jean tablecloths I had on hand, we went with navy blue instead of purple.  Such a fun color scheme for a little boy’s party!

 Each child received a gift bag with one each of Solomon’s favorite things in it.

One big lesson for me from this party- you cannot host a toddler birthday party and play photographer!  There were many details I missed out on because I was chasing my 18-month old.  Next time I’ll hand the photographer duties over to a professional.

Did you guess the four favorite things correctly?

Love y’all,

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