
Is fear holding you back from your goals?

Hey, friends!  I wanted to hop on and talk to you for a minute.  Let me start with a short story.  My husband and I have been raising beef cows as a hobby for the last 3-4 years. It’s been a fun and adventurous little venture that our boys thoroughly enjoy.  A few months ago we purchased this year’s cows that we will eventually sell in quarters early next year.  To say these cows were skittish from the get-go is an understatement.  The move from the farm where they were born to our current location was traumatic for them.  My husband first held them in a small holding pen for a couple of days before opening up a corral and letting them out into the larger pasture that had been cordoned off with a portable electric wire.  The cows, being curious and trying to run from my husband, went up to the wire and as expected, it shocked them.  The electric wire stayed up for three to four days before my husband removed it to give them more roaming privileges. Here’s where it got interesting; Even though the live wire had been taken down, the cows refused to go past where it had previously been.  Here they were with the complete freedom to roam free and run the entire length of the pasture yet they were too afraid to go past the spot that had previously caused them pain.

Fear can happen to any of us

I wonder how many of us are like that in our own lives?  Living a fear-based life because of what happened in the past when we have complete freedom at our disposal.  I’ve been there, so I know how it feels.  You try something new, and it doesn’t work.  All the negative circumstances that come with the failed attempt leave you hurt, vulnerable and afraid to step out again so that when another opportunity comes along, you refuse to take a chance and try.  When this happens often enough, we can lose confidence in ourselves, our abilities and the goals we’ve set for ourselves.

Move past fear

Friends, don’t let past failures keep you from pursuing the life of freedom that lies ahead of you.  Don’t be like our cows who missed out on a great opportunity of fresh, green grass for days because of past disappointments. You’ve been given the world to conquer. Refuse to let the fear of repeating past failures hold you back from conquering it. This time you just might find an open door and success.


The Sunday Love List

I’m excited to share a new weekly series with you!  Each Sunday evening I’ll share a list of my favorite finds from around the web and beyond.

Picture via Instagram @ashtonhillfarms

  1. Cedar Rapids event center Ashton Hill Farms has me swooning!  I can’t wait to visit it. Look at all the natural light and high ceilings.  Who wouldn’t want to host an event there?



2.  If you’re an innovator with big dreams and ideas, you should read this blog post by Liene Stevens of Think Splendid.  She’s a wedding industry consultant that I’ve had the pleasure of working with before. Even if you’re not a wedding professional but have big, new ideas you’re working on, I advise you to read this.  Liene’s unique background and research lead to some fascinating reads.


Photo via Mark & Graham

3. My southern girl radar went off immediately when I saw these acrylic coasters.  Tortoise shell & monograms?  I’ll take one for the win!


4.  Work gadget etiquette: A quick reminder and good pointers on how to use smartphones and other electronic devices at work.


5. Speaking of etiquette, did you catch my latest blog post in the summer etiquette series?  I talk about asking for leftovers.  Is it tacky or not?  Find out here.


Image via Pizzazzerie

6. How cute are these back-to-school teacher gifts from Pizzazerie? Click here to get the free printable and make your own!

See you next Sunday!






Are you walking in your purpose?

Do you know each of us has a particular purpose?  A purpose that fulfills you and shares your gifts & talents with the world?  Walking in purpose helps you feel satisfied, needed and for the most part, complete.

Did you also know that people are waiting for you to walk in your purpose? That’s right, walking in your purpose has just as much to do with the people you are called to help and influence as it does with you being happy.

You will always touch other lives when you’re doing what you were created to do. It doesn’t matter if you’re the next Steve Jobs, a teacher or a stay-at-home mom.  What a great thought that you will change someone’s life because you are who you were meant to be! You could very well be carrying someone else’s miracle inside you right now.

Here’s the thing y’all, walking in your purpose is NOT just about being well-known or making a lot of money.  It IS about touching every life you are meant to reach and bringing everything you are made to bring into the world; every gift, every word, every invention, every drop of love, compassion and attention to every human who is meant to receive it.

I’m encouraging you to dust off your dreams, let go of your fears and start doing what you are called to do. Don’t fret if you’re not sure what you’re called to do.  It’s not as hard as you think to find out and we’ll talk about how to do it soon.  Just remember people are waiting for you to step out and walk in your purpose.






