Mrs. Wiggins
I’m not one to name furniture or other items but as I was painting my secretary, all I could think of was my favorite character from the Carol Burnett Show- Mrs. Wiggins, the blond, scatter brained secretary played by Carol Burnett. Boy, did I love to watch that show growing up! Probably not the best viewing for a 6 year old but I digress.
I originally got the urge for a secretary when I saw Eddie Ross’ secretary re-do via pinterest
Isn’t it lovely?
For weeks I scoured craigslist to find a replica of Eddies’s but to no avail. Just when I had given up hope and resigned myself to the fact that all the great secretary deals had been lost, I found a craigslist posting that didn’t have a picture but advertised an antique secretary for sale. Now usually I don’t even look at postings like that. I usually view it as a sign of laziness if the seller can’t or won’t post pictures. If I have to go through the effort of texting or e-mailing to get a picture that could’ve been posted from a cell phone when the craigslist posting was created, I usually won’t give the seller a chance to get my business. This time I took a chance and contacted the seller. I was desperate, ya’ll; I wanted something to makeover!
I called the seller and it was still available! I instantly liked it and told him I would take it after giving my husband the secret “do you think it’s not a piece of junk and it’s okay to buy?” look and getting the “go ahead and buy it if you want” look. Don’t you just love secret husband/wife communications?
Here is what I brought home that day:
It doesn’t have the attached hutch like the inspiration piece but I was okay with that since I felt a hutch might be too much visually in my room. I know some of you are shaking your head and saying I shouldn’t have touched it but what you can’t see are a bunch of scuff marks and the wear and tear the piece had. I am also by no means a wood purist. I will paint a piece in a heartbeat so I had no problem envisioning this piece being another color.
The secretary sat in my living room several months while I made sure I liked it in the space. Once I knew it was staying, I went to work. I didn’t take pictures of the steps during the transformation but I will make sure to do capture the entire process next time to share with y’all.
Without further ado I give you the afters:
It really brightens the room up!
The color is Sherwin Williams Dover White, which came highly recommended by my friend Shanna. The lamp and lampshade are both from Target. I plan to spruce it up eventually with ribbon once I decide on an accent color. The ceramic artichoke is from Hobby Lobby while the mirror and vintage,musical car are from a recent estate sale. Here is a close up of the car. Isn’t it adorable?
What do you think? What have you made over lately?
Love y’all,