Making change happen


Change can be hard, ya’ll and I’ve been finding myself right smack in the middle of some major changes.  Many I’ll share with you soon here on the blog, one I’ll share with you today.

One of my goals for 2014 was to cut back on social media. I’ve done this social media “fast” before but honestly, I’ve never been as completely committed to it as I am this time.  In the past, I’ve given myself a week or two where I would limit my internet usage to just “work” or certain times of the day but I’ve never set a goal in my HEART to focus on what matters more and permanently limit my time on social media & the internet.  Much like starting a diet and depriving yourself of certain foods, I started craving the internet even more once I limited myself.  It’s been hard y’all, then I remembered this quote from John Maxwell

If you want to see change in your life, change something you do daily

It reminds me that change isn’t always easy and sometimes you have to take it one day at a time and make those small changes.  If that seems overwhelming, take it one hour or even one minute at a time.  The biggest thing is to stay consistent with pressing towards your goals. Remember that

consistency is the key to the breakthrough

 Frankly, there are days when I don’t reach the mark and I want to give up but I remind myself there is too much riding on me staying the course.

So…. I keep at my goals to limit my social media and internet time and focus on promoting and building my business, becoming a better wife, mother, friend and person and reconnecting with the important things in life; God, people and love.

I’m sharing my struggles here, not only to stay accountable but to also let each of you know that you’re not alone in wanting positive change for your life and not always reaching the mark for that goal each day.  We’re in this together.  In the words of Dory from Finding Nemo, “just keep swimming”!

P.S. Join me later this week as I unveil a few surprises including a new series for the month of February.

My 2014 word of the year


Y’all I’ve got to admit, when I wrote the post for my 2013 word of the year, I had no idea what kinds of things I was opening myself up to pursue!  Here is a quote from my post last year

Stay tuned because you’ll see big things happen with me and Madelyn Ridgeway Events this year; I know it.  You’ll see things materialize that have been in my heart for a long time.  Things I have to share with the world and make it a better place

Words are a powerful thing, y’all; whether you know it or not, our words create (or tear down) our lives.  I love a quote from one of my favorite speakers that says “where you are today is a direct result of the words you spoke a year ago”.  2013 proved this to be true in so many ways.

When I wrote that post, Shaffer and I had discussed me leaving my job to stay home but quite frankly, it seemed like it just wasn’t going to happen; between two surgeries, great opportunities at work, multiple family deaths and a second, growing family business, we started to think we’d missed it.  We had prayed and truly believed we were on the right track but the little seeds of doubt started trying to sneak their way in.  This is where the rubber meets the road folks, this is where it becomes faith and you step out on the water to walk! On April 12, 2013, I left my full-time job of almost 10 years to go after what matters most to me.

In the beginning I felt like a fish out of water. Not having a job to go to, reports to file or a boss to answer to, felt really awkward to me.  After after about a month, the pendulum swung and I was over the moon with all the “extra” time I had; I did lunch with friends e-v-e-r-y day then ran to pick the boys up and home to get dinner started.  I quickly realized this wouldn’t work.  I eventually settled in to somewhat of a routine and dug my heels in to really pursue those big dreams of mine and make great things happen.  All the work paid off when I launched the new Madelyn Ridgeway Events in November to great reception and enthusiasm!

It’s only the beginning and I look forward to more good things to come in the future which is why I chose focus as my 2014 word of the year. Webster’s defines focus as:

–  to bring to a focus or into focus: to focus the lens of a camera.

–  to concentrate: to focus one’s thoughts.

That’s what 2014 is about for me; continuing to to pursue big things while making sure I focus on what’s important. Join me tomorrow for part 2!

Photo courtesy of Shay Cochrane Photography